Top DAX companies agree: EPM® is the revolution in implementation

We leverage organizational minds

Across the organization, let the North Star point the way.

Accelerate success

through clear objectives, disciplined implementation and efficient pull management.

Save management time and effort by as much as 70%

through agile methods; increase project effectiveness and reduce PMO costs.

Foster an inspiring corporate culture

through passionate employee engagement and clear understanding of roles.

"With the support of ProgressMaker®, we are able to bridge the gap between our strategy, OKRs, and projects even more effectively. The increased transparency and clear focus on objectives make us more aligned and efficient across all levels."
Wolfgang Neubauer, CEO, ProSiebenSat.1 Tech & Services

From (project) OKR odysseys to implementation excellence

Classic implementation
Enterprise Progress Management
Lack of employee motivation

Employees are unable to visualize the target state in their mind’s eye; the project vision is obscured. Read more…

A vicious circle of fear, shame and guilt is fueled, because employees are supposed to chase abstract key figures. 

But instead of clear solutions, they can only present missing KPIs. 


High employee motivation

Employees are emotionally attached to their project; the clearly defined project vision provides orientation.

Read more…

The virtuous circle of passion: Pride and confidence ignite transformative forces because employees find meaning in their work. 

Their focus is on increasing the speed of implementation. Close

Months of wasted time

The kneejerk response of the organization is to focus exclusively on output. Read more…

This has a paralyzing effect, especially on getting new projects started. 

Valuable time is wasted on paperwork, and discipline among the implementation teams goes to pot. Close

Rapid key results

The organization plans from Month 1, with a conscious focus on outcomes.  Read more…

This makes it possible to directly realize process potential for the project. 

It elicits pride and fires up the implementation discipline for the project. Close

Budget worries

Gantt charts, Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint turn status meetings into self-justification battles. Read more…

This robs the company of productivity, time and money. Close

Reduction in time and effort

Two golden progress rules for status meetings and a focus on key results without exerting pressure.  Read more…

This ensures productive collaboration. Close

The “all-seeing eye” that DAX companies rely on.

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ProgressMaker® monitors your entire organization at all times, shortening project times and increasing employee satisfaction. 

“With ProgressMaker®, organizations create places where employees willingly deliver strong performance.”

Matthias Kolbusa , founder and innovator

Realize visions faster: Establish long-term competitive strength

ProgressMaker® revolutionizes implementation management all the way along the strategic path.

By setting systematic End2End target states in the context of OKRs and classic projects, you get the entire organization moving. 

Efficient progress management for projects, programs and entire transformations:

Implementation framework and Cloud-based team communication guarantee consistent progress in the face of changing conditions. 

When strategy should be more than just an idea in an ivory tower

Clarity on strategy: From top management and executives to the entire organization – and all the way back again.

"The OKR method, with its consistent goal orientation, has helped us to advance our growth topics across departments. Tracking the OKRs in ProgressMaker® was simple and very transparent.
Heike Niehues
Heike Niehues, CEO, Customized Solutions Webasto Group
Editorial in the
Harvard Business Manager
Case Study:

thyssenkrupp x ProgressMaker®
How tk Steel Europe AG found its way to significantly greater implementation strength. 

ProgressMaker® for everyone



More than 350 participants from management level and OKR teams experience innovation and vision together.

#Agility across boundaries

New insights on agility beyond OKRs.

#Total ownership and #team mobilization

Experts illustrated the power of total ownership and organization-wide transformation.

Insights into collaboration with other organizations


A key concern for thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG was to recapture its leading position in the European steel market and to boost implementation strength across the organization in order to raise the company’s competitiveness. 


Through strategic decisions and the help of ProgressMaker®, all obstacles on the way to greater implementation strength were removed. Starting with the clear definition of target states, the company moved on to the implementation of new working methods and control mechanisms.


thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG has successfully strengthened its position in the market, increased its production of CO2-reduced steel, developed innovative materials and implemented an improved sales and production strategy. These measures have not only led to a positive EBIT, but also to an inspiring cultural change within the company. 

Bernhard Osburg
“ProgressMaker® is our ‘Single Source of Truth’ for strategy implementation.”

Bernhard Osburg,
Chief Executive Officer
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG, headquartered in Duisburg, is the steel division of thyssenkrupp AG. Its core business areas include steel production, the manufacturing of flat rolled products made of high-quality steel, and the provision of services in the steel sector. 

Steel industry

Company size

Corporation (over 26,000 employees)

Your three steps to greater implementation strength:

1-2 months after launch date: 

PMO costs reduced by as much as 70%. Instead, absolute clarity communicated by means of emotional target images: Your organization becomes a place where people enjoy getting things done. 

Thumbnail E2E-Prozess Jess
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6-12 months after the go-ahead: 

First outcome goals secured. Your Expert Lead guides you through two target sprints… 

…accompanied by highly efficient monthly status meetings. 

15-18 months after launch date: 

Your organization is already managing EPM independently and has become future-proofed. Exceptional implementation management is now the order of the day. Your internal organization is trained on the tool and on the implementation by their personal Expert Lead. 

Most organizations plan their goals better than their progress.

When will you secure your decisive competitive advantage?

You may still be wondering...

Yes, ProgressMaker® works just as well for medium-sized companies. A large portion of our customer portfolio comes from medium-sized businesses. You can find more case studies here.

In the kick-off and implementation phase, we are by your side and hold your hand. The implementation of the new way of working usually takes up to six months,

We usually see measurable success after one or two sprints (usually 6 months/sprint). However, you will already experience noticeably more implementation strength during rollout and execution.

Any further questions?

Follow the example of thousands of enthusiastic readers

I Progress

100% digital: Our I Love Progress magazine 

On the first Monday of every month, get the best tips for tapping into your full innovation and growth potential. 

As always: Full focus on outcome and impact – ready to implement. 

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