Enterprise Progress Management®:Home page

Gantt charts, milestones and the like have been around since the 1890s.

Projects have been around since time immemorial. And OKRs have been a familiar concept since Google.

Enterprise Progress Management (EPM) is nothing less than a revolution in implementation management

Successfully shaping change and progress – the enabler for exceptional implementation strength

Closing the gap between planned and actual results faster, reducing management effort and increasing employee engagement along the way:Enterprise Progress Management (EPM) serves as a management framework for organizing and structuring strong implementation management.
“We don’t have a knowledge problem; we have an implementation problem”

Roland Berger, Gründer

From mediocre implementation management to exceptional competitive strength

EPM provides companies with the right framework and methods to not only give teams with the right information at the right time, but also to support skills and mindsets in such a way that they are empowered to achieve better implementation over the long term.

Traditional vs. innovative:
How implementation management has operated so far


of classic projects do not reach the desired outcome


of agile projects do not reach the desired outcome
Companies experience an average


performance loss between planned and actual results due to poor execution

The most important reasons why transformations fail:

Every company strives for execution excellence in order to effectively achieve its strategic goals and ensure long-term success. Nevertheless, efficient and rapid implementation remains a major challenge for many companies.

The eight symptoms of mediocre implementation strength And how you can remedy them

Every company strives for execution excellence in order to effectively achieve its strategic goals and ensure long-term success. Nevertheless, efficient and rapid implementation remains a major challenge for many companies.

Teufels Kreislauf

Enterprise Progress Management changes the way organizations think, manage and work.

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Secure decisive competitive advantages

“The ProgressMaker® approach consistently brings the entire team into a stronger focus on results and progress.”

Prof. Dr. Carsten Intra,
Chairman of the Board, Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge

1. Getting success for your organization faster

Imagine if your organization could achieve much more in less time. By aligning your organization with the method and core principles of Enterprise Progress Management, you can do just that. Your company will achieve impressive results faster and generate greater passion, discipline and pride in execution.

2. Reducing management effort by up to 80%

The time spent on managing a diverse range of issues is drastically reduced – potentially by as much as 70%! With clever planning, operationalization of strategy and the smart Infinity Grid, this can become a reality. Your PMO will finally have more time for the really important things.

3. Developing an impassioned and committed workforce

When employees are proud of the work they do, they are passionate about doing it well and the basis is confidence, then something magical happens: this powerful commitment drives top performance and makes teams unbeatable.

The strategic path is your reliable guide for the implementation of topic areas, programs and strategies

With EPM, you ensure that all the measures you take contribute to the target image and thus to the strategy.

From B to A: Having a clear implementation path

A clearly defined strategic path is crucial to the success of a company. The path sets the direction and ensures that all activities and decisions are aligned with the long-term goals.

With EPM and ProgressMaker as a central management and support tool, organizations ensure that they systematically follow the strategic path across all topic areas, initiatives, projects and OKRs and thus consistently contribute to the strategic program.

“The implementation philosophy of ProgressMaker® has convinced us. The focus on results and implementation performance are noticeably improving.”

Udo Wilcsek,
Board member, ALH Gruppe

Closing the gap between planned and actual outcomes

Achieve the success you want for your organization by closing the gap between planned and actual outcomes. The EPM philosophy and framework is the key to reliably implementing strategy programs, whether they are large-scale and complex or small-scale and simple.

Creating not just workplaces, but spaces in which people strive to perform

Creating not just workplaces, but spaces in which people strive to perform

Through systematic desire, pride, confidence and discipline, companies create more than just simple workplaces.

EPM enables you to not only bridge the gap between planning and reality, but also to create smooth communication throughout the company. The transparent and emotionally effective alignment with the company’s objectives boosts potential and makes a crucial contribution to long-term success and growth.

Get to know us

Enterprise Progress Management® helps you forge high-performance teams

Request a no-obligation consultation

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How (not) to OKR – DE

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How (not) to OKR – EN​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Teaser Whitepaper Performance - DE

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Seiten: 16 | Sprache: deutsch

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Seiten: 16 | Sprache: deutsch

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