EPM in Detail

Finally get the available “horsepower” on the road to implement a variety of project areas quickly and sustainably

This is how it works

Enterprise Progress Management® supports organizations in finding the right answers to challenges at high speed, operationalizing them and mobilizing the energy available for measurable progress.


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The Enterprise Progress Management Framework creates structures with which organizations can apply a high degree of discipline to implementing project areas faster and more efficiently.

Performance in implementation despite rapid change

Todays markets demand faster and more thoroughgoing responses to new competitors, customer needs, changing political conditions, unreliable supply chains and so on. The supposedly simple solutions – the low hanging fruits – have long since been plucked. The solutions to challenges of this kind are complex: more and more players from different areas within and outside the company have to make their contribution in a well-coordinated manner. Silo mentality and other brakes on implementation become more noticeable than ever before. 


Two certainties in a world of constant change: 

1. Implementation management has quite simply become more demanding and 

2. its not going to get any easier again.


From mediocre implementation management to exceptional competitive strength

With systematic passion, pride, trust, and discipline, companies create more than just jobs.

Escaping the vicious circle of mediocre execution and entering a virtuous circle requires behavioral change in teams. EPM provides companies with the right framework and methodology to not only give teams the right information at the right time, but also to foster skills and mindsets in such a way that they are empowered to achieve better implementation in the long term. 

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