Three core principles for exceptional execution management


Enterprise Progress Management® - How everything works in combination


Thinking processes

Outcome-oriented target states – the basis for exceptional execution strength

Whether itan individual project, a complete strategy or an entire company transformation, the achievement of exceptional implementation strength requires creation rather than optimization. The key is to consistently think about issues in terms of outcomes and to act accordingly. Implementation strength is characterized by the ability to visualize target images in the minds eye and to systematically approach them in an outcome-oriented manner. What counts is not what has been done, but what has been achieved step by step. 



From push to pull management 

A high level of implementation strength comes about when teams are fired up for a target state and approach it step by step with pride (pull mode). However, we often jump from the target directly into action planning and implementation, which, by the nature of things, results in us getting ahead of the wave instead of behind it (push mode). 



Applying the two golden rules of progress to achieve OKR excellence

In conjunction with core principles 1 (target states) and 2 (pull), the two golden rules of progress ensure a culture of implementation excellence. 

The ProgressMaker® ensures, that ...

flywheel details

Governance development instead of planning

The orchestration of implementation management within the framework of Enterprise Progress Management takes place through systematic target state definition, planning, alignment and monitoring of implementation activities. 

This involves defining target images, aligning the organization with these targets and continuously monitoring and adjusting implementation. Managers play a crucial role in coordinating and supporting the teams, while effective communication and collaboration ensure that everyone involved pulls together to achieve the companys goals. 

Core principle: "Target states“
Core principles

Core principle: "Target states"

Outcome: The basis for exceptional implementation strength

Whether it’s an individual project, a complete strategy or an entire company transformation, the achievement of exceptional implementation strength requires creation rather than optimization. The key is to consistently think about issues in terms of outcomes and to act accordingly. Implementation strength is characterized by the ability to visualize target images in the mind’s eye and to systematically approach them in an outcome-oriented manner. What counts is not what has been done, but what has been achieved step by step. 

Optimization thinking vs. breakthrough approach 

Weak implementation management 

means setting targets (KPIs) and planning, discussing and pursuing these in an action-oriented manner (A>Bthinking). 

Strong implementation management

always focuses on the target state and enables teams to approach this target state in an outcome-oriented (rather than activity-focused) and disciplined manner (B>A thinking). 

Whether it’s strategy, transformation, or an individual sub-project: Before the start, every person in charge has a clear vision of the target state, after the topic has been a huge success. Without abstraction, without relative terms, like a good newspaper article.

ProgressMaker® ensures outcome-oriented target images and thus creates the basis for high execution performance.

The combination of your teams, EPM consulting, and the ProgressMaker® tool transforms your company into a high-performance organization in the execution of projects.

Core principles

Core principle: "Pull“

The transformation from weak to strong implementation management

High execution strength arises when teams are “passionate” about a goal state and approach it step by step with pride (pull mode). Often, however, we jump directly from the goal to planning and implementing measures, which naturally leads to moving in front of rather than behind the wave (push mode).

Weak execution management

means pushing teams to focus on KPIs and measures, leading to low passion and little pride in progress. Instead, we experience phenomena such as silo thinking, risk-averse behavior, and justification narratives (see figure).

Strong execution management

connects goals (KPIs) and measures to powerful target states. The focus lies on progress and clarifying conditions/dependencies, creating an emotional performance cycle based on passion, trust, and pride.

From "how-oriented" grooming status meetings to consistent and motivating progress meetings.

ProgressMaker® turns status meetings into progress meetings.

We’ve moved away from status meetings, focusing solely on progress meetings. These meetings don’t dwell on who did what last or what’s next (input/how orientation). Instead, our “management triple jump” focuses solely on progress:

  1. Reflecting on (partial) target states
  2. Results-oriented progress discipline
  3. Clarifying necessary conditions
Core principles

Core principle: "Discipline“

With the two "golden rules of progress" to OKR excellence.

In conjunction with the core principles of “target states” and “pull,” the two golden rules of progress foster a culture of execution excellence.


„Golden Rule of Progress“ 1

Whether it’s process optimization, increased production, a market offensive, or a new CRM system, every initiative must deliver at least one outcome, a business-relevant effect, every six months. Outputs alone, such as a marketing concept or a plan for introducing New Work, are a no-go!

“Golden Rule of Progress” 2

Every initiative must demonstrate measurable progress towards its six-month outcome, using both output and outcome criteria, on a monthly basis.

Editorial in Harvard Business Manager
Harvard Business Review

Case Study on ProgressMaker® Implementation Management at thyssenkrupp Steel

1INPUT: Key Actions

In Doing“

  • Drei Buchstaben des Erfolgs? T.U.N. (Goethe) Analysieren, konzipieren,
  • entwickeln, produzieren, präsentieren, verkaufen,
2OUTPUT: Key Result, Objective


  • Konzepte
  • Dokumentation
  • Erkenntnisse
  • Potenziale
  • Pläne
3OUTCOME: Key Result, Objective

Coolr Effekt“

  • Problem gelöst Durchsatz erhöht Wartezeit verkürzt
  • Problem gelöst Durchsatz erhöht Wartezeit verkürzt
4IMPACT: Objective

P&L: Profit and Loss“

  • Mehr Umsatz
  • Weniger Kosten
  • Höherer Marktanteil
  • Zufriedener Kunde
  • Gesteigerter NPS

With ProgressMaker®, the two golden rules of progress are established in such a way that every topic, whether it’s a project or an OKR, achieves disciplined, outcome-oriented progress in short cycles. Successful teams work closely, agilely, and consciously towards a common goal to achieve a great result!

“ProgressMaker® is our single source of truth for strategy implementation.”
Bernhard Osburg
Bernhard Osburg, CEO, thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
OKR Management for real outcomes and focusing on what matters

In our fast-paced world, characterized by constant change, it is crucial to both stay the course and create space for innovation. Next-Level OKR Management provides us with the tools to effectively execute our goals while remaining agile.

A tool that employees enjoy using

To make daily implementation work in projects and OKRs productive and intuitive, ProgressMaker® offers everything the heart desires: task lists, KANBAN boards, file storage, references to files in distributed file and cloud solutions, chats, and logs.

Rapidly drive target states that are KPI-driven and OKR-based

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, staying on course while simultaneously fostering innovation is anything but simple. With Next-Level OKR Management, there is now nothing standing in the way of operationalizing OKRs.

Drill Up, Side and Down – clearly recognize all relationships.

Whether through drill-down navigation from the target picture puzzle, so-called impact networks with dependencies, or through freely configurable lists, executives and their teams have access to exactly the information they need for optimal execution management, anytime and anywhere.

The execution turbo for performance enhancement

Organizations successfully use ProgressMaker® to boost performance. Download detailed information now!

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