Against all odds: Success stories stemming from holistic management of Objectives & Key Results (OKR)

Squaring the circle in EPM implementation management: With holistic EPM, organizations work faster and exhibit more commitment along the strategic path towards goals, ultimately achieving extraordinary lasting success.

Cutting a swathe through the jungle with OKRs that are uncompromisingly outcome-oriented: The key is “Thinking Beyond OKRs”

The ProgressMaker® platform provides all the solutions needed for successful performance management. These include control, tracking, reporting, task management, resource deployment planning and KPI management.

“Thinking Beyond OKRs”: Getting significantly more out of the OKR methodology

A target state is not just a goal, but above all an actual state of affairs that project teams have to achieve.

Achieving relevant effects

Advantage 1: With systematic OKR management, supposedly complex and long-drawn-out project areas will always generate relevant business effects after six months at the latest. 

Making decisive progress 

Advantage 2: Making measurable progress at all key points during the OKR sprint leads to faster progress and certainty of outcome. 

Motivation, passion and pride 

Advantage 3: In pull management, purposefully driving project areas forward leads to significantly greater motivation, passion and pride. 

“ProgressMaker® is currently probably the best tool for managing complex transformations based on OKR and transforming dependencies between projects into synergies. It’s not just the individual project, but the positive interaction between them that makes the difference.”

Dr.-Ing. Carsten Sürig,
Managing Director (CFO & CPO), Techem GmbH

Carsten Sürig

The key success factor for OKR management is quite simply to “focus on results”

At the beginning, there is serious intent. By the end, measurable success will have been achieved. And in between is effective implementation management. ProgressMaker® reflects the knowledge gained from thousands of transformation projects combined with the best elements of successful operationalization and implementation.

The right start

Whether the OKR methodology is being rolled out across the entire organization or just in certain areas, the ProgressMaker® OKR “universe” achieves significant implementation strength on both small and large scales.

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