What sets the rest apart from the best?

– a high-performance team and efficient progress management

Ascend to the top with EPM Consulting

Enterprise Progress Management® (EPM) is the integrated management mechanism designed to maximize the implementation performance of strategies, projects, and operations. The experienced consulting team at ProgressMaker, in collaboration with your teams, ensures that these mechanisms and the associated ways of thinking and acting are successfully and comprehensively introduced into your organization.

Stay at the top with Progress Coaching

In PM coaching for methodology and OKRs, we support companies in the introduction and optimal use of the OKR method. OKRs sound simple, and they are – when the core principles are thoughtfully considered and applied.

Contact us to effectively introduce and expand this new working method in your organization. Learn more about the general role of an OKR coach here.

EPM Consulting

Establish mechanisms for efficient implementation

Companies usually don’t suffer from a lack of insight but from a lack of execution. They possess a clear strategy, have well-defined goals, and know the key areas for future action. What they lack is the maximum implementation strength, the power to efficiently and sustainably address the diversity of issues.

Management mechanism developed for practical application

Enterprise Progress Management® is a management mechanism developed for practical application to tackle complex implementation challenges. EPM® focuses on thinking in terms of target states, and the methodology creates clarity and commitment.

Mechanisms and structures for high-performance implementation

The experienced consulting team at ProgressMaker works together with your teams to ensure that the mechanisms and the associated ways of thinking and acting are successfully and comprehensively introduced into your organization.

Forge high-performance teams with Enterprise Progress Management®

Enterprise Progress Management® helps organizations rapidly find the right solutions to their challenges, operationalize them, and mobilize their entire energy for measurable progress.

Next Level OKR Management – Operationalization of OKRs

Successful implementation, dissemination, and acceptance of measures (whether OKRs or traditional projects) into individual programs or across the entire organization.

EPM Consulting

EPM Professional Services ​

EPM Consulting

Secure competitive advantages together with OKR experts

Understanding the OKR methodology is one thing; successfully implementing OKRs across the board is another. Thanks to ProgressMaker® coaching, the sustainable introduction of the OKR methodology is achieved – pseudo-agility is a thing of the past!

Excellent and well-developed OKR methodology

Input, Output, Outcome, Impact – with the coaching team, organizations gain direct access to best practices.

Save time and choose from proven OKR templates

Users of the ProgressMaker® platform have access to a variety of OKR templates.

Create excellent OKRs

With the integrated and systematic feedback system, excellent OKRs are developed to drive performance.

Clarity in the OKR jungle

Organize all OKRs and traditional projects with methodology, system, and structure.

Everything at a glance

EPM Coaching Services

Everything at a glance

Your ProgressMaker® team for a new level of execution and performance

Professional Services for strategy implementation and progress

Decades of experience from countless transformation and implementation processes – we know what truly matters.

Matthias Kolbusa

Innovator and CEO

“Most organizations can achieve much more than they believe. The path is not more of the same, but a different way of thinking and managing.”

Alexander Bose

Strategy Director

“It’s not about solving every problem and filling every capacity gap, but rather bringing a few key issues to success despite these challenges, those that truly make a difference.”

Viktoria Saenger

Executive Consultant

“Those who have the courage and unwavering will to push into the extremes of the Dark Zone with the booster values of openness, courage, speed, trust, and reliability will experience an incredible breakthrough in performance.”

Ralf Bartenbach

Executive Consultant

“Logic thinks, emotion acts. Overcome the ego in management with emotional goal visions, ignite passion in people, and give everything you have.”

Dr. Katharina Bartenbach

Senior Consultant

“Boundaries are never where we expect them to be: With the target state in sight, achieve high performance.”

Nicolas Goschler

Senior Consultant

“Not the strongest or most powerful organization will survive and succeed, but the one that can best adapt to change.”


Results that organizations achieve

The ProgressMaker® in
Harvard Business Manager Logo

Transforming, yes, but efficiently

Decades of experience and countless transformation and implementation projects – we know what truly matters.

How Thyssenkrupp is Restructuring its Steel Division


Transformation projects are always hard work. However, Thyssenkrupp Steel deliberately made things uncomfortable for itself. The change process completely overturned the old culture. Employees developed visions, pieced together plans, and accelerated progress in six-month sprints. A detailed workshop report.

Nur noch einen Schritt zu mehr
Umsatzstärke und Performance

Wählen Sie Ihren persönlichen Gesprächs- und ggf. Demo-Termin:​

Just one more step to more
execution strength and performance

Choose your personal meeting and demo appointemnt:

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How (not) to OKR – EN​

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