ProgressMaker® is the integrated platform for consistently effective implementation performance

With the “target image compass”, desired target states become a reality

ProgressMaker® target image stories generate an inspiring force that touches people deeply and brings about intrinsic change. Target image stories convince the viewer on an emotional level and lead to a deeper connection with the initiative than can be obtained from being presented with mere facts. The Target Picture Puzzle brings your target image to life and renders it achievable.


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The Strategy Canvas for clarity and understanding – for every employee at all times

With the Strategy Canvas, companies get to the heart of their strategies and create clarity and understanding for everyone involved. Setting priorities becomes elementary – the decisive step for a successful corporate culture. 

Clarity about the effects of steps taken

Greater effectiveness with KPI intelligence

Getting the most out of KPIs

Absolute transparency and comprehensive control capabilities with regard to priorities and input (OKRs and classic projects) for optimal team management and effective steps along the way. 

Reduce KPIs to the essentials through OKR management and at the same time get much more out of the really important KPIs, using result and management KPIs: The KPI intelligence of ProgressMaker® for KPI networks that get things moving. 

The few decisive KPIs from the various “KPI pots” are presented in an intuitive and easy-to-use overview for all managers and employees. 

Intelligent roadmapping

Whether working on an individual project, strategy or transformation, managers can create the basis for high-performance implementation through smart target state modeling. From management board to employee level, everyone knows the contribution they have to make and can see how everything fits together and how individual project areas contribute to the big picture.

Emotional intelligence

Whether working on an individual project, strategy or transformation, managers can create the basis for high-performance implementation through smart target state modeling. From management board to employee level, everyone knows the contribution they have to make and can see how everything interacts with everything else.

Creating strong implementation management: Further advantages of ProgressMaker®

“Single Source of Truth”: One data source for the entire organization

The more projects are undertaken and the more complex the issues become, the greater the demands that are placed on implementation management. The Single Source of Truth principle – according to which ProgressMaker® has been designed – ensures the effective coordination of individual project areas. It integrates classic projects and OKRs as well as complete transformations. In this way, companies ensure that their teams consistently align their initiatives with the overarching strategy and that resources are directed with pinpoint accuracy towards achieving the target states.

Creating more clarity and structure during implementation​

Exceptional implementation requires clarity on the right issues to be tackled and the priorities to be set. Exceptionality requires teams that are fully aware of the goal they are pursuing and how they will get there together. It is through this combination that organizations deliver exceptional performance to achieve sustainable success.

Accelerating speed of implementation through manifestation of the appropriate key habits

ProgressMaker® accelerates implementation by encouraging all teams as well as individual employees to manifest key habits. ProgressMaker® enables organizations to implement all important project areas with attention to results, a disciplined focus on progress and the fostering of passion in the teams.

Top Notch features for companies, that want to achieve far more

Results and progress orientation
Productive project / OKR teamwork
Intelligent roadmapping
KPI management
Intelligent list features
Program/portfolio management
ProgressMaker® platform

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How (not) to OKR – DE

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How (not) to OKR – EN​

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